Summer Registration is Closed
June 24- July 26
Online Summer Session 2024
AVS will be running summer session in 2024 from June 24- July 26, 2024.
Adults and school aged students are eligible. Student with in progress courses at AVS can continue to work on them during the summer session IF that course is offered during the summer session. It takes approximately 100-120 hours to complete one course, so a student would need to work on a course full time (roughly five hours a day) to complete it during the summer session. Students who do not complete their course can continue working on it in September 2024, but all teachers are off in August, so it is not possible to complete a course or write an exam during August.
Summer Course List
- BC First Peoples 12
- English 10 Composition (2 credit) (Must take EN10 New Media also for a completed course credit)
- English 10 New Media (2 credit) (Must take EN10 Composition also for a completed course credit)
- English First Peoples 12
- English Language Arts 11 (COMP11)
- English Studies 12
- Science 10
- Foundations and Precalculus Math 10
- Foundations of Math 11
- Foundations of Math 12
- Precalculus 11
- Precalculus 12
- Chemistry 11
- Chemistry 12
- Life Sciences 11
- Anatomy and Physiology 12
- Physics 11
- Physics 12
- Social Studies 10
- Career Life Education 10
- Career Life Connections 12
- Law 12
- Social Justice 12
- Workplace Math 10
- Workplace Math 11
Abbotsford Virtual School
33952 Pine Street Abbotsford BC V2S 2P3