Student Services
At Abbotsford Virtual School, we are committed to providing our students with the best learning support available: This includes but is not restricted to the following:
- Face to face help (by appointment)
- Aboriginal support worker
- Individualized programming
- Graduation Planning
- Adult Education
- Special Education Services e.g. Teacher Assistants
Learning Support Services at AVS
The “Learning Centre” provides a range of services to students in need of additional support, and includes the following:
monthly School Based Team (SBT) meetings, at which students of concern can be discussed and further action decided on. SBT meetings are held the fourth Thursday of each month.
file review of students by Learning Support teacher, to gain a clear picture of student’s history and prior interventions, if any.
referral for all available district and community services where applicable.
provision of adaptations for students as needed.
by prior arrangement, students can write exams in the Learning Centre with staff providing invigilation.
for those students who continue to struggle academically and who are considered to be in need of further assessment, screening tests (KTEA, KBIT) are administered and scored, with the results shared with the psychologist attached to the school. Where indicated, a referral for further assessment is made.
preparation of Individual Education Plans (IEP) for designated students, in consultation with staff and parents/guardians.
direct support to individual students on a scheduled basis, both in the Learning Centre and in on-site classess.